80 Percent of Visitors Just Lurk

heavenWith all the attention devoted to social media and online publishing activity shifting to blogs and user-generated content, I found inspiration in a Forrester analyst review of a new Gartner report called “generation virtual.” The question driving the report was how to go viral. This study says it is more useful to look at audience behavior and plan around what you learn.

The idea is once you can map your audience to their known online activities you can plan to offer the content they crave to do what they love to do.
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Transition Brew: The Next Administration and the Internet

mineAs the high season of political conventions fade and the general election kicks into gear, online communicators are positioning their top issues and agenda for the upcoming U.S. Presidential transition.

An exciting brew of ideas is perking. Time will tell if any of them stew into real change, but it sure is fun watching the pot boil. The ideas include:

  • a call from academia for government to shift away from publishing sites and into exposing data
  • a radical streamlining of sites in the UK that may hold promise for other nations to follow
  • an anti-corruption flag planted for transparency by the good-government crowd

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Where to Find Website Widgets

Puzzle_PiecesWeb content has an astonishing degree of flexibility these days. The ability to use widgets solves the developer’s puzzle: you no longer need to code complicated scripts to launch rich content on the web. The ability to embed information you have on the web at other places online quickly and easily makes this an exciting time for web communicators.
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